Rental Conditions
In the case of a private person:
- Personal Identity Card or passport
- Private Address Card
- minimum 2 years old valid Driving Licence
In the case of a company:
- Driver's data (Personal Identity Card or passport, Private Address Card, Driving Licence)
- Copy of the register not older than 30 days
- Stamp
- Signatory Copy
- Authorization - if the renter is not a signatory person at the company
In the lack of any of these, bail is needed who have all the documents meeting the rental criteria.
Method of payment:
- Cash
- Bankcard
- Bank transfer
The deposit and the total amount of the rental fee are to be paid at the beginning of the rental in every case.
(Appendix 1 of the Rental Contract)
Rado Central Kft. referred to hereafter as the Lessor, lets the car named and detailed in the rental contract, referred to hereafter as the rented car, the rental contract, and the general contract terms and conditions, referred to hereafter as the Contract, for one or more personnel signing in the position of renter and/or leader, referred to hereafter as the Renter, under the following conditions:
I. General terms and conditions
The contracting Parties by signing this Contract undertake mutual obligation to keep all terms and conditions included in it. Following receipt of the rented car the Renter should turn to the Lessor with all of his/its complaints. Any declaration concerning this Contract - except for the ones included in the Contract - can be made valid only in writing. Including any kind of false data in the Contract by the Renter or not complying with those terms included in the Contract, the Lessor has the right to terminate the contract immediately. For the damages and loss caused in connection with this, the Renter has to take full responsibility and the Lessor has the right to take the rented car back to his/its possession without any previous notice, to denounce to the police if necessary.
II. The use of the rented car
A rented car can be driven exclusively by a Renter who has a valid driving license. The Renter must not drive a rented car under the effect of alcohol or drugs. It is forbidden to do any criminal acts and cross the Hungarian state border illegally using a rented car. Travel outside the boundaries of the border of Hungary may be carried out only with the written consent of the Lessor.
The Renter must not enter for any sports events with the rented car and or use it for test purposes or for pieces of training in relation to this, also must not use it for towing another vehicle. It is also forbidden to use a rented car for public transport or freight transport. The Renter must comply with the domestic and the relevant international or foreign regulations, and also the traffic rules (Highway Code). The Renter is obliged to use the rented car with the generally expectable care. Under the duration of the rent, the Renter should take on all expenses in connection with the use of the vehicle (such as fuel cost, parking fee, road usage fee, garage fee, penalties, etc.)
III. The term of the rent, deliverance, and return of the rented car
The term of the rent given by the Renter (at reservation) can be found in the Contract. The minimum rent duration is 24 hours. Each day that is begun counts as a whole rent day. In the case of a delay of more than 3 hours, the Lessor charges one more daily rental fee. At the beginning day of the term of rent, the Lessor delivers the vehicle, its documents, and necessary accessories to the Renter. The Lessor endeavors to fulfill the Contract with due care, but cannot be made responsible for either the deliverance or the take back delay or the failure of the rent. The rented car, its equipment, accessories, and documents after the termination of the term of the rent declared in the Contract must be returned at the premises of the Lessor, at the time given by the Contract, with a full tank, in a clean and generally expectable and acceptable condition. The Renter receives the rented car with a full fuel tank and should return it with a full tank. In the case of missing fuel, the missing amount is charged based on the estimation of the Lessor; the Lessor even has the right to charge a filing fee. The elongation of the term of the rent has to be consented by the Lessor 24 hours before the termination, based on a written notice and the additional rental fee has to be paid as well at the same time. In the case of usage after the term of rent or its elongation without permission, the Renter must pay from this date on twice the amount of the daily rental fee as a usage fee to the Lessor until returning the vehicle, or 2000 HUF/hour net fee if the elongation without permission is less than 24 hours. In the case of delayed return, the Renter is deemed responsible for all the damages caused to the rented car after the termination of the Contract, the CASCO insurance is not valid after the termination of the rent, so the Renter must pay the entire amount of damage caused to the rented car. The Lessor claims a compensation if the Lessor does not get the rented car back 24 hrs after the termination. The Renter is obliged to pay for all the expenses deriving from the delay (transport of the rented car, search for the rented car, etc.). In the case of a delayed return not conciliated in advance, the Lessor denounces the case to the police.
IV. Insurance
The insurance fee includes the fee of the mandatory third-party insurance according to the Hungarian law. This CASCO insurance is not valid for damage caused by breakage and/or theft in any case of breach of the Contract, providing false, fictitious, or confusing data. If such an event occurs, the Renter has full responsibility for compensation, especially when/if, but not exclusively, the Renter lets the rented car to a third person. The Renter is deemed innocent in connection with damage that occurs to a rented car, if he/she has an accident damage report form in the European format properly filled, on which the person who caused the damage confesses his culpability and attests it with his signature. In this case, the Renter does not have any kind of obligation to pay in connection with the damage (administration necessary in connection with a damage event can be seen in point Five). CASCO insurance does not include wheel damage, glass damage (gravel kick-up), and tire damage, and also the damage to the inner space and trunk of the rented car, these damages must be fully compensated by the Renter. In the case of leaving the rented car unguarded for no matter how short time, the Renter is obliged to take the pull-out car radio or the display panel of the radio removable display panel with himself, just to make sure that no valuables are left in the rented car. In the opposite case, if the car is done, the costs of the damages done to the rented car must be paid by the Renter, because the CASCO insurance lapses. In the case of theft the Renter should take full responsibility for compensation if the log book and the original key of the rented car were not given back to the Lessor or the key of the rented car was duplicated without the permission of the Lessor. In the case of compensation deriving from this Renter has to compensate the value of the rented car estimated by the official EUROTAX value estimation system. The Lessor has the key examined by an expert in the case of theft. If the ignition key of the rented car is lost, the Lessor must be promptly informed, who then takes care of the change of the locks of the rented car and of getting the new ignition keys. All the expenses related to this are covered by the Renter. In the case of breakage or damage of the rented car, the sum of the retention to be paid by the Renter is added up according to damage type respectively, so the sum of retention is to be paid as many times as many different damage types or events caused the total damage of the rented car. In the case of a damage caused by the Renter, the expenses of the transportation of the rented car (towing, breakdown truck, etc.) back to the premises fall on the Renter. When using a Full insurance pack for CASCO insurance services, the own funds of the general insurance will reduce from 10% - minimum 300.000,- HUF, to 10% - minimum 150.000,- HUF. The current daily rate increases the daily rental fee.
V. Proper behavior of the Renter in the case of accident and damage
The Renter (entitled driver) is obliged to directly inform the Lessor and the police at accidents and other damages or if the rented car is stolen (theft), and to place on record the participants of the accident/damage, the person who caused the damage and the witnesses respectively, with name and address. To hand over a damage declaration is allowed only with the permission of the Lessor. The necessary rescue and repair activities are always initiated by the Lessor. In the case of domestic damage, there is a need for an accident reporting form in the European format filled properly and signed by both parties, on which the culpable party (the one that caused the damage) confesses its guiltiness. In the case of damage abroad, in addition to the above, the verification of the foreign insurance company of the party doing the damage (in case not the Renter is the one doing the damage) and the police file is necessary. The Renter obliges himself/herself to make a detailed damage report for the Lessor without any delay. The Renter can be called to a full financial account and the Casco insurance becomes extinct, if the Lessor is not informed without any delay, 24 hours after the accident, damage, theft, or break-in at the latest. As long as the Renter does not provide the documents necessary for the damage administration within 24 hours following the damage, he is obliged to compensate the damage deriving from the delayed administration and repairs to the Lessor.
VI. Breakdown of the rented car
The Lessor takes on the expenditure of repairs on the rented car if those repairs occur during the proper use of the rented car (according to operation and/or traffic safety) and if the Renter announces them to the Lessor by telephone. The Renter has the opportunity to have some repairs done or to have some parts changed at the official brand service up to the value limit of net 15000 HUF. If a part is changed, the Renter is obliged to give the old part to the Lessor; in the opposite case the expenses of repair burden the Renter. In the case of an error or breakdown of the mile-meter, the Lessor must be promptly informed, also, the repair must be done in the nearest workshop without delay. For the sake of the operational safety of the rented car, the Renter must check the cooling water level of the rented car, and the engine oil and be obliged to indicate any problem occurring during the rental with the cooling water level, the engine oil and the gearbox oil. For the damage caused by the leakage of the cooling water or the lubricant, the Renter is responsible. The Renter obliges himself/herself that as long as the Lessor indicates that - especially in the case of a long-term rent - for the official time of maintenance specified by the manufacturer, presents the rented car to the Lessor for the purpose of visual check and maintenance. If needed, the Renter indicates to the Lessor that the rented car achieved the mandatory service interval. The Lessor provides a replacement car for this period. The Renter has full and unconditional responsibility for compensation if fails to provide any of the above-mentioned.
VII. Responsibility of the Renter
The Renter has full responsibility for damage compensation if he drove the rented car under the effect of alcohol or drugs and/or any other hallucinogens, if the vehicle was not driven by the person entitled in the Contract, furthermore if the damage was done during the towing of another vehicle. The Lessor charges the Renter the damage caused to the rented car by the Renter and its additional costs (e.g. expert opinion, towing costs, daily allowance, fee). The Renter is obliged to pay the penalties put on the rented car and other fees (like a parking ticket, breaking the speed limit penalty, motorway sticker) during the term of the rent. The Renter is obliged to make proper use of the rented car and its accessories as a good master and to take care of the guarding of those and the documents of the rented car. If the Renter is a legal person or not a natural person, then the rental contract and the general terms and conditions can be signed by a person (or people) entitled to this or with the regular authorization of the entitled person. In different cases, the signer of the Contract has full responsibility and, furthermore compensation liability.
VIII. Financial and payment conditions
The Renter is obliged to pay the rental fee, expenses, and the promiscuous deposit in advance. The rental and other fees can be found in the rental contract. The Renter acknowledges and by signing the present Contract contributes to that, that if the Renter does not pay the Lessor's liabilities then by submitting a prompt redeem order (concerning the bank or credit account behind the credit card used to bind the deposit) and by beginning the enacting procedure the Lessor can enforce this, and the Renter irrevocably authorizes the Lessor to submit the redeem order.
The following payment liabilities of the Renter may occur
a) Rental (fee) and other fees in connection with the rent.
b) In the case of omitting to pay the fees or delayed payment, the expenses of an attorney, suit, call in and other costs, furthermore the delay interest, that equals to the double of the all-time base rate of the Hungarian National Bank.
c) Delivery and return fees.
d) Cleaning fee for the cleaning of the rented car (internal and external) if the rented car is returned in a dirtier form than the generally acceptable.
e) Parking fee, motorway sticker and other fees, fines, and penalties imposed in connection with this or other uses of the car.
f) On return of the rented car in the case of fuel deficit, the expenses of refill and fuel.
g) Any compensation liability of the Renter about which this present appendix disposes of.
h) Surcharges payable for the loss of the accessories and documents of the rented car.
i) Compensation for the damage in the rented car or its accessories deriving from the non-proper use of the rented car or breaching the present Contract or any other damage, on the value stated by the official brand service or an independent judicative expert.
j) Value-added tax and other taxes and revenues that are payable in the fees and fines detailed above according to the Law.
In the case of payment obligations nascent based upon the information included in points g, h, i further net 12 euro/event administration fee is payable.
The place of performance is the premises of the Lessor in Pest County. In relation to any legal dispute which may arise in connection with the present Contract, the Town Court of Szentendre shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
IX. Data protection
The Lessor obliges itself to use the stored data only and exclusively for the purpose of the rental cooperation and to communicate its own sales actions and does not give the personal data out to a third party with the exceptions mentioned in the Contract. If the Renter does not return the rented car within 24 hours after the termination of the Contract or does not pay the rental on the due date or the data of the Renter presented in the rental contract are fictitious, the Lessor is entitled to give the personal data to a third party.
The Renter agrees that the Lessor, in the case of a request with such purpose, delivers the information in connection with the rent and the personal data of the Renter to the authorities and the organizations proceeding during the collection of the different fines and other surcharge payment liabilities related to the use of the rented car.
Supplement of the general terms and conditions
(Appendix 2 to the Rental contract)
Terms of rent!
• Reservation is possible seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm by phone, fax, personally, or via e-mail or the website all day. (we reply to the reservation within 24 hours, the reservation cannot be deemed automatically accepted without acknowledgment).
• Valid personal identity card/passport and private (home) address card.
• A valid driving license minimum 2 years old.
• A deposit of 300.000 HUF in cash
• It is forbidden to cross the border with a rented car without permission.
• The term of the rent is a minimum of 24 hours.
• The Renter has to receive the car in the office at 2011 Budakalász, József Attila u. 75.. The rented car has to be returned to the same place between 8 am and 8 pm, with internal and external cleaning done and filled with fuel (the car should be returned with full fuel tank).
Surcharges payable in the case of breaching the terms of rent: net HUF
• Lack of external cleaning: 12.400.- HUF
• Lack of internal cleaning: 12.400.- HUF
• Delayed deliverance or return of the rented car (a delay shorter than 3 hours): 40.000.- HUF
• Elongation without permission (a delay longer than 3 hours) : 80.000.- HUF / day
• Administration (e.g. dealing with penalties, completion of documents, etc.): 10.000.- HUF /different acts of administration
• Loss of the car's documents: 60.000.- HUF / lost document
• Fuel deficit in the case of the level above medium: 35.000,- HUF
• Fuel deficit in the case of the level below medium: 55.000,- HUF
• In the case of damage the replacement of vehicle decoration: in the case of the injury, damage of the vehicle's parts containing decoration, if the information carried by that turns unreadable, the replacement of such decoration is the Renter's liability
• If the damage of the tire or the wheel occurs, and they become non-usable, the cost of repairs and replacement are a liability to the Renter except for the wear occurring during everyday use.